Hara Breathing Exercise For Dian Tian Energy

Dian Tian is the main energy center and root of Qi for Traditional East Asian Medicine practices such as acupuncture, Qi gong and martial arts. Cultivating a strong dian tian is important for health of body and mind. This is a take on a common breathing exercise for cultivating Dian Tian which can be especially helpful these days for supporting the nervous system and lungs.

The traditional breathing exercise has one sitting or standing, focusing on breathing into the space between the navel and kidneys. Often with a visualization of energy growing a fire or a golden egg.

For folks who struggle with interoception - an awareness of ones internal state or body - such as those who experience disassociation or live with embodied oppression (racism, homo/trans-phobia, any kind of sexual violence) the following adaptation can be helpful:

Lying on your back place a comfortable weighted object, like a hot water bottle or bag of rice wrapped in a towel, on the space between your navel and public bone. Take some deep breaths with a focus on moving the object slightly up and down on your low abdomen. Once this becomes easier to track, you can visualize your breath filling the object on every inhale, expanding the energy and getting stronger. From this awareness you can work with your body sensations and what feels accessible in moving this energy into and around your body.

The added advantage of lying down for this is that if your diaphragm is tight (most of us!) it will help your accessory breathing muscles relax so you can breath more deeply without adding tension into your system.