In TCM boundaries and our immune systems are seen as the same protective energy layer around the body known as Wei Qi. This is a partnered variation of Qi gong tapping that helps to:
•booste the immune system by stimulating wei Qi level
•Wake up proprioceptors in the skin & fascia (so we can feel ourselves in our bodies)
•Give us an embodied practice to notice our physical and energetic boundaries
Folks who have experienced trauma, autoimmune disease or daily threats such as racism, trans/queer phobia & visible disability may have 1) a wei Qi field that extends beyond the surface of the body (hoovering up to several inches away from the skin) in which case tapping may need to be much lighter or not make contact with the skin 2) a decreased ability to sense the Wei Qi or their skin in which case more pressure may been needed to stimulate proprioceptors
Exercise: One person gently taps with a cupped hand or loose fist along the limbs and torse of the partner. Can you sense where the physical body starts vs the energetic body? Can you sense where your own body starts and your partners body ends at the site of contact? Are there parts of the body that feel harder to sense than others? What about the energetic field?
You can also do this practice alone with self tapping.