This one feels especially relevant for these times to bring us back into social connection. If we are living alone, this one is just as effective over video chat. And if we are living with people, chances are there have been times of strain, being in close proximity under stress, without a plan in place to manage arising conflict.
Whether you do this with a roommate, romantic partner or your kids, firing mirror neurons helps to bring us back into social engagement, so that our physiology is receptive to safe coregulated support, empathy and kindness. Kids usually love this one and it can be helpful for meltdowns or disassociation that manifests as hyperactivity.
Mirror neurons exemplify the way we have adaptively evolved to be in connection and empathize with one another. Soothing the social engagement system helps us feel in safe connection with one another and widens our window of tolerance for stress.
Exercise: One person leads movement, while the other person follows. Try to maintain eye contact or a soft gaze if possible. If that feels too vulnerable, track the limb movement with your eyes while keeping your head in place (another trick for containment). Then switch and have the other person lead the movement.
Can you track your inner sensations while being in the presence of another? Is there a softening or does it bring up fear? Is there laughter? Silliness? Can you sense how the other person is feeling? What ways do you sense this?