Non verbal relational exercises are a good way to bring online the “social engagement system” & ventral vagal states - without having to process emotions, which we may or may not have capacity for right now. This is especially helpful for "quarantine quarrels” as I will now call it. The conflict and stress that happens interpersonally (with family members, partners or roommates) that comes along with the times we are in. Plus it brings an element of play and often laughter. This can also be a fun way to connect with kids - or have them practice throwing the ball up and catching themselves for a self regulating game. This exercise works with proprioception (where we are in space) and hand-eye coordination both of which help to bring mindfulness and regulation to the nervous system. It is also introducing rhythm - safe, predictable & repetitive sensory input that the brain stem craves - which is helpful for when interpersonal or relational trauma makes the social engagement system hard to reach. (Like for those living & surviving racism) Some might find a small amount of activation or stress in the system from trying to catch the ball - which is a good way to tone the vagal system by playing with small amounts of stress while staying in your window of tolerance. For this exercise we used a tennis ball and cups but you can use a ball of socks and bowls to make it easier if coordination varies.