Facial steams are a lovely and grounding way to clear the sinuses, open & cleanse the pores, and bring fresh circulation to skin tissues. The additional health benefits will be specific to what flowers and herbs you use. You can use fresh or dried plants. Add some Epsom salts for added sinus relief, or essential oils for more aromatic effect. Whether you are looking for allergy & sinus congestion relief, benefiting your complexion or a grounding self care practice, herbal facial steams are a great way to connect to nature growing around you.
For this steam I used magnolia buds and calendula blooms, both of which are currently growing on my street. I added some dried Nootka rose and lilac from last spring and three drops each of lavender and ylang ylang essential oils. This was just what I had accessible to me, but it’s nice to experiment with different herb & flower combinations to utilize whats growing around you in each season.
*do not gather or use herbs unless you are 100% confident
Floral & herbal options
Magnolia buds or flower petals
All types of roses
Rosemart, thyme, sage (for headaches, sinus congestion/infection)
one handful fresh or dried herbs
4 cups water
optional: 2 tbsp epsom salt
4-6 drops of essential oils (less if they contain high camphor such as eucalyptus, lavender)
Bring water and herbs to a boil for 3-5 mins. Make sure the pot is covered with a lid so the volatile oils from the plants don’t evaporate.
Pour the herbs and water into a deep bowl. Add salt or oils if you are using them.
Place your face above the bowl and drape a towel over your head to contain the steam around your face & bowl. Take some deep breaths and relax into the heat until the steam has cooled. You can reheat and repeat 2-3 times as desired.
*It’s important to find a steaming position that is comfortable. Placing the bowl on a table works well. My personal favourite is steaming while in “childs pose” on the floor.
You can use the left over water and herbs to add to a bath or foot soak.