Financial Accessibility Options for Acupuncture During Covid


As we know, the pandemic has changed a lot of realities for people in Victoria. Some people are working less or out of work, still recovering from living off CERB, or struggling with their small businesses. With the high cost of living in Victoria, even before the pandemic many folks simply stop coming for acupuncture once their benefits are used up.

Acupuncture works best with consistency - in China where acupuncture originates - acupuncture is often given as a prescription once a day for 7-10 days and then reassessed by the doctor. While this may seem inaccessible to many, even before the pandemic, it does illustrate the importance of maintaining frequency until symptoms are resolved.

Due to the pandemic closure and reduced working hours, I have had to pause my sliding scale offering. While I still received many requests for the waitlist, I wanted to share a few options for how to keep accessing acupuncture while we navigate these times.

MSP supplementary benefits  - Since MSP premiums were discontinued you now have to apply to receive supplementary benefits. This entitles you be reimbursed $23 per session for up to 10 sessions or acupuncture. If your annual income is less that $42K after taxes - which will be a lot of people this year - you can apply here.

Community Acupuncture - Community acupuncture models can reduce their fees to $35-$55 by treating folks in group (but socially distanced) settings with shorter intakes. Many studios including Heart & Hands can direct bill MSP for you.

Blended Treatment Plans - For some on limited incomes is blending treatment plans with private and community acupuncture can be a good way to balance the financial strain of consistency. For example - alternating weekly sessions or bi weekly sessions.

Access fund - If you have the means, donating to the health access fund allows me to subsidize or provide fee treatments to folks who are historically underserved. BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, those living in poverty, with diverse-ability, chronic illness and frontline folks working to advocate for healing justice. You can send me an e-transfer or donate through PayPal here. If you would like to be considered as a candidate for the access fund please send me an email.